Monday, April 23, 2007

Charles Bernstein

It'll sound terrible. It's true. It's nothing
really. I like to fuss. I sit and relax and read,
take a bath, have my ice cream. I fill the day.

You look around. You hear things. Sometimes
you daydream you're really somebody special. It's
the sort of thing you do.

I could never converse with anyone about it.

It would drive me nuts. It would drive me wild.
I know I'm needed. I think alot. I have very simple
pleasures. I'm not a deep reader. I can't understand
a lot of things. I'm looking forward to it.




Esteban Andrés Muntaabski said...

Soy uno de tantos alumnos de Cesar.
Pero me llamo Esteban, y me regalaste uno de tus libros.

Un saludo.

Anonymous said...

Ps...yo creo q el uso de la cannabis ,no es malo es de lo mas normal como comer ,cagar,y dormir...pero para q no nos demos cuenta de muchas cosas la prohiben..para ocultarnos o q no nos demos cuenta de q viven engañados.